I remember.

I remember the small little puppy sitting quietly in her crate at ARF.
I remember falling in love with that little puppy.
I remember daddy carrying the shivering and scared little puppy to the car.
I remember her peeing all over the floor of the pet store.
I remember her little puddles of joy and of excitement.
I remember how quickly she learnt her name.
I remember how Skipper knew every one of her toys by name.
I remember finding the hardboiled egg Skipper hid in my pile of laundry.
I remember re-hiding that egg and asking her about it.
I remember Skipper going right to the pile of laundry and digging it out.
I remember Skipper waiting for Boozer outside the washing machine when it was time for his bath.
I remember her waiting for the drying cycle to be done.
I remember dressing her up in people clothes.
I remember Skipper running in the rain. She totally enjoyed Hurricane Floyd.
I remember her arch enemy, the little Miniature Pinscher/Chihuahua across the street.
I remember her boy Michael Macgee. I’m sure he’s standing up tall and singing her a happy birthday song right now.
I remember our first mad dash to the Emergency Vet after she got stung by that bee and her face swelled up. She looked like a Bull Terrier.
I remember the many other Emergency Vet visits.
I remember the book of Allergies the vet gave us that listed all of Skipper’s allergies.
I remember our disappointment and hers when we read Chicken among the many.
I remember the Rib story… Ask me about it sometime, and I’ll tell you.
I remember Skipper meeting Ralphie for the first time.
I remember Skipper putting him in his place with one bark.
I remember her loving him, and teaching him how to climb stairs.
I remember her leaving out the “how to come back downstairs” part.
I remember Skipper teaching Ralphie how to protect himself from the bullies at the dog park.
I remember looking for the house with the perfect view for Skipper.
I remember her loving her new yard and being queen of all she saw.
I remember her thinking that if I could not see her; she did not have to come when she was called.
I remember saying “Skipper I can see you” especially when I couldn’t and she would come.
I remember how gentle she was with all the kids she was around.
I remember how gently she took a treat from their hands.
I remember how protective she was of all she loved.
I remember her limpy walk and the sound of her bad leg on the hardwood floors.
I remember her many ear infections.
I remember her many bald patches from all the itching and scratching that went on.
I remember all the many trial meds and the one that finally worked.
I remember how she would jump onto the bed; scratch off the covers from daddy’s side of the bed and lay her head on his pillow and take a snooze.
I remember how happy she was to see him when he came home from work.
I remember her meeting Shane and then Marissa for the first time.
I remember how brave she made me feel.
I remember how much she loved me.
I remember how much she trusted me.
I remember every birthday we celebrated.
I remember my baby, and I remember being her mommy.
I remember my old girl.
I remember the good times and I remember the crazy.
I remember the last time I saw her and looked into her eyes.
I remember my Skipper on her Birthday and every other day of the year.
I remember and can never forget. My Skipper, my love.

About Andrea Yerramilli


  1. Beautiful…about Skipper who was much loved, and Andrea who is so very loving.

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